Our business partners, as well as other community members and organizations, have been very generous to Bluff Elementary throughout the years sharing their time, talents, as well as donations – both monetary and in the form of much-needed supplies. We are so very fortunate to have their help in providing a positive, caring environment for our students. We appreciate their continued help and support.
All Pets Mobile Veterinarian Clinic:
Dr. Sheryl Ernst, owner of the clinic, provided Bluff with its first therapy dog, Hexa; followed by Sunshine. She has also been generous in providing the veterinary care these dogs have required over the years. At the end of the 2016-17 school year, our new therapy dog, Cheney, was provided through a donation from McEleney Auto Center. Dr. Ernst has graciously offered to once again provide care for the dog. For many years Dr. Ernst has also provided perfect attendance trophies for students at year end. Throughout the years her thoughtfulness and generosity have made a huge impact on our students and staff.
First United Methodist Church:
Providing academic tutoring to students, holiday meals to Bluff families, and organizing a winter clothing giveaway are among the many activities First United Methodist Church does to make Bluff such a great place to be for children. We appreciate the many years they have donated their time and talent to Bluff students.
Amvets, Kiwanis Club, Riverside Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church:
We’d like to acknowledge these community organizations and churches who thoughtfully donate school supplies each year to Bluff Elementary students and staff. Their generosity in providing these much-needed supplies have been such a blessing to our Bluff families as expenses continue to rise and families often times face difficulties trying to make ends meet. Our teachers appreciate their thoughtfulness in providing supplies as they too have limited budgets with which to work.
River Bend Food Bank:
Through their partnership with the Clinton Community School District, their Backpack Program has enabled many of our students to receive a box of nutritious food items that go home with them each Friday in their backpacks. These food items are products that are nutritious yet require (at the most) nothing more than heating in a microwave oven. We appreciate their help in providing this opportunity for our Bluff students and families and we know they appreciate it as well!
In addition to the help we receive from our Business Partners, Bluff Elementary has been fortunate to receive monetary donations from individuals within the community which have aided us in purchasing books and e-books for our LRC. Organizations and companies within the community have also been generous in the support they offer, providing many needed supplies for our Bluff students. The help we receive from everyone in the community and surrounding area is appreciated far more than words can say.
Though not a business partner per se, we want to express our thanks to the Bluff PTA for the many, many things they do throughout the year to help make Bluff Elementary reach success. Over the years, they have sponsored various school functions for our families, provided funding for classroom field trips, provided funding to classroom teachers to help offset their personal expenses for classroom supplies. They put in many hours holding fundraising events that enable them to provide funding for projects and they also provide volunteers to help with various school activities throughout the year. They are a remarkable group and we appreciate so very much all that they do!