Teacher Leadership
Teacher Leadership Compensation Program
Clinton Community School District Teacher Leadership Compensation Program – is a program established by the 2013 Iowa State Legislature which enhances the responsibilities of teachers in a school district. Currently, this program is being funded as a competitive grant program that requires application. This grant has been awarded to the Clinton district beginning in the fall of 2015 and brings over $1 million dollars for teacher leadership salary stipends. Moving forward, this funding is tied to per pupil state funding and is guaranteed under Iowa Law.
The Vision for the Clinton Teacher Leadership Compensation Program is to increase student achievement by providing the framework to recruit, develop, retain, and promote excellent teachers while securing opportunities for professional growth and collaboration.
The Clinton Goals of the Teacher Leadership Program
Improve student achievement by strengthening instruction.
Retain effective teachers by providing enhanced career opportunities.
Promote collaboration by continuing to support opportunities for teachers to learn from each other.
Reward professional growth and effective teaching by providing pathways for career opportunities that come with increased leadership responsibilities and increased compensation.
Attract promising new teachers and retain them by providing differentiated short-term and long-term professional development and leadership opportunities.