Thursday Jan 16 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
There will be no school on Monday January 20.
Finals are Today and Tomorrow. Make sure you charge your computers and bring your computer & charger to school. Due to our limited number of loaner chargers they will not be loaned out. If you end up needing power, bring your computer to the library and we will charge it and let you borrow a loaner computer for that class.
Dear sophomores and juniors. Do you ever feel like you need help coping with life's many challenges? Maybe you zone out when things get tough or get angry. The counseling office is going to run a small group during the second semester. We will meet weekly during the school day to help teach students coping strategies. If this is something you are interested in please see or email your school counselor.
The Counseling office will be giving the ASVAB on January 30th. This is a great tool for career exploration. Please contact Mr. Avise-Rouse to sign up.
Pride Club is planning to attend the Student Day at the Capitol with Iowa Safe Schools! They will be travelling to Des Moines and meeting lots of politicians and lawmakers. They'll advocate for themselves and try to make Iowa a better place for everybody! The event takes place on February 25th. If you are interested, please notify Rin Ciner as soon as possible. The deadline is Tomorrow, January 17th. We hope to see you there!
Seniors graduating at the semester: Don’t forget to return your computer, books, ect. to the library when you are done with them. The computer needs to be charged enough to start up and have any stickers or writing removed from them. If you are interested in going to Prom in May the library would also like an email address that you check regularly to send the sign-up form to. Your school email will remain active till June and the sign-up form will be sent there also.
Show your teachers some appreciation of their "sweater weather" designs! Find all 28 choices outside of the library and vote for your favorite design in the library. The teacher who's design gets the most votes will win a prize. Voting is open until January 17th. The winner will be announced on 1/21.
Activities for Today
Wrestling: Girls Varsity Invitational (A) @ Cascade High School 4:30pm
Swimming: Boys Varsity Meet (H) vs. Multiple Schools.. @ CHS River King & Queen Aquatic Center 6:00pm
Wrestling: Varsity Dual (A) @ Pleasant Valley High School 6:00pm
Lunch for Today
Sack Lunch