Monday Jan 27 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • Attention Juniors! Class shirts are being sold during early & late lunch. Shirts are $15! The cutoff date is Monday, February 3rd!

  • Juniors and seniors, if you are interested in purchasing an AP poster, they are $5 each. Please be on the lookout for a link from your AP teachers to sign up for a poster. 

  • We will be doing Edmentum testing this week. We will have individual core departments proctor a test each day during regularly scheduled class time. Today is Math and Tuesday will be the Language Arts Test taken during your English class. Please show up to your classes so you can get the test finished.  We use this approach to minimize testing anxiety and to help with testing stamina. Make sure that your computers are charged the nights before, you bring your chargers to school, and be ready to go for testing.

  • Pride Club will be meeting in Mrs. Ciner's room (A107) after school Tuesday, January 28th! All are welcome! 

  • Congratulations to the River Royalty Speech Team for their performance at district competition this weekend! The following events received a division 2 rating out of 4: The Left Unsaid Project and the group improv teams of House and Pulido and Bacunawa, Buelow, and Determan. Moving on to state on February 8th with a division 1 rating will be the short film Petals and Thorns, Ensemble Acting, Reader's Theater, and Solo Mime. Congratulations again to all our performers!

  • The River Queens ended their regular season on a high note! In a tight team race that came down to the final two matches of the tournament, the Queens just missed the tournament championship by 10.5 points. The Queens were led by Champion Akemah McClendon, runner up performances by Alaina Carpenter, Liv Lonergan and Cambrie McLoyd. Lauren Whitney, Jaedyn Lemon and Aumree Russell fought hard for a 3rd and 4th place finish. Scoring valuable team points in tough brackets were Molly Steiner and Jharia Knox. The Queens now have their sights on Friday’s regional tournament at Cedar Rapids Jefferson! If you see a River Queen wrestler, congratulate her in a very fun and exciting season! Great job ladies and good luck on Friday! 

  • On Saturday January 25th, the CHS Bowling Teams had our final conference meet for the year against North Scott.  All teams won their meet except for the Junior Varsity Boys.   The varsity boys won 3101 to 2764.  The varsity girls squeaked out a close win with a 2584 to 2576.  The JV boys lost 2138 to 2217.  The JV girls won 2052 to 1634.   The varsity boys final meet record with 7 wins and 1 loss and the varsity went undefeated with 8 wins and 0 losses.  Great job by the teams this year.  There are only invitationals remaining before state qualifying on February 17th and 18th. Top scorers for Boys Varsity were:Charlie Pelham:  2 game series of 435, Brycen Lawrence:  2 game series of 491.  Top scorers for Girls Varsity were: Emily Whitehead: 2 game series of 355, Maren Schwarz: 2 game series of 408.  Top scorers for boys JV were: Cael Schwarz:  2 game series of 305, Cutter Overton:  2 game series of 334.  Top scorers for girls JV were: Keira Palmer:  2 game series of 309, Laynie Steines:  2 game series of 323.  

  • Congrats River King wrestlers on a good showing at the Bob Lueders Invitational Saturday. The Kings finished 10th out of the 21 teams. Danny Peters won a Championship, the first one for the Kings at this tournament in 8 years. Brady Jennings placed 4th and Brody Harrington and Hayden Chandler placed 6th.  All of the River King wrestlers competed hard and never quit. Great Job Kings

Joke of the day

What do you do if you get bird flu? …Seek tweetment.

Lunch for Today 

Baked Potato Bar, (Cheese, Chili, Broccoli), Dinner Roll

Alternative Lunch

Taco, Refried Beans