Thursday Feb 6 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Attention Students interested in Marketing, Management, & Accounting. We have the opportunity to compete in the Titan Jr. Achievement Experience on April 3rd at St. Ambrose University. For this competition students will act as a CEO of a phone company, to make executive decisions, analyze outcomes, and create strategies. If you or your team would place during the competition your team would move on to the scholarship round held on April 10th. Each student in the 1st place team would receive $1000, 2nd place members would receive $750, and 3rd place would receive $250. If you are interested in this simulation competition please come to Mr. Pataska by Monday, February 10th to learn more about the opportunities.
Last Saturday two groups of FBLA presenters performed at the Virtual District Leadership Conference. Lila Keister and Bryanna Samuels presented on Social Media Marketing Strategies and placed 3rd. Aubrey Rivers presented on Graphic Design, placed 4th. Congrats to all!
FBLA offers all students the opportunity to develop leadership and creates valuable connections with other academically driven students from across Iowa. If you would like to be part of FBLA and the State Leadership Conference in March please come to the FBLA meeting Today right after school to begin registration and prep for the conference.
No game club today after school.
To juniors and seniors who are ordering an AP poster, you will need to get your money to Mrs. Leafgreen sometime this week. If you aren't sure how much you owe or have other questions, email her.
The lunch ladies will be opening our new "scaled down" version of Concessions stand next week 2/10.
High School Color Guard Tryouts will be on three Wednesdays: February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 2-3:45 at CHS Yourd Gym. It is mandatory to attend all three. For questions or schedule conflicts contact Coach April april.mcfall@csdkq.org
An admissions rep from Grand Canyon University will be visiting the counseling office on Tuesday, February 11 at 9:30. Please let Mrs. Klinkhammer know if you would be interested in attending.
Girls and Boys Tennis gets started in March, so don't miss your chance to be a part of the fun. Even if you have never played before, come and bring a friend. You'll learn a great life time sport. Besides you "newbies" to the sport, we will also be carrying some of the top players in the state! Forty one years of a tradition of success, so come be a part of the 2025 tennis team! See you all Friday after school in the commons!
Calling all Girls interested in River Queen Track and Field there will be a signup on February 11th at 3:30 in the Yourd Lobby. Please make sure you stop in and see Coach Steen to sign up and be a part of the fun season the staff has planned for you.
Senior photos for the yearbook are due February 15th. No late submissions will be accepted.
After-School Tutoring is being offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library! There is no cost. We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend! This is a great way to get work completed that was missed while sick.
Joke of the day
What did the magnet say to the fridge? …“I find you so attractive.”
Activities for Today
Wrestling: Varsity Dual (H) vs. Davenport North @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 6:00pm
Lunch for Today
Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Tomato Soup
Alternative Lunch
Mandarin Orange Chicken, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables