Tuesday Feb 11 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • Remember that money and contracts for ACT are due this Wednesday.  Please return them to Mrs. Klinkhammer ASAP.

  • Join us in the library for “Read a Latte” Monday Feb 17 right after school until 4:15.

  • iJAG will be having their annual Crush for your crush sale at lunch this week. Buy a can of Crush soda for a dollar, write a personal note, and iJAG will deliver them during the day on Friday to your special someone.

  • Calling all Girls interested in River Queen Track and Field there is signup Today at 3:30 in the Yourd Lobby. Please make sure you stop in and see Coach Steen to sign up and be a part of the fun season the staff has planned for you.

  • After-School Tutoring is being offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library!  There is no cost.  We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend! This is a great way to get work completed that was missed while sick.

  • The lost and found is getting rather full again. Please check the “lost and found”, located outside the library, if you have lost something.  If you lost something small or electronic, check with the library ladies. Not everything lost gets found right away so keep checking. 

  • Your River King swimmers competed in the District swim meet last Saturday in Dubuque. The Kings had a great day of swimming. The Kings had 22 opportunities for season and personal best and the Kings accomplished 20 of them. There were great swims by all and everyone scored for the Kings. Highest place finisher was Dornbush 10th in the 100 Back. The rest of the Kings scoring were Haskell, Steenhard, Todtz, Heath and Zimmer. Great End to the season Kings!

Joke of the day

What did one watermelon say to the other on Valentine’s Day? …“You’re one in a melon!”

Activities for Today

Basketball: Girls JV Game (H) vs. Muscatine High School  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 4:30pm

Boys Sophomore Game (H) vs. Muscatine High School  @  CHS Gymnasium 4:30pm

Girls Varsity Game (H) vs. Muscatine High School  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 6:00pm

Boys Freshman Game (H) vs. Muscatine High School  @  CHS Wellness Gymnasium 6:00pm

Boys Varsity Game (H) (H) vs. Muscatine High School  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 7:30pm

Lunch for Today 

Queso Macaroni & Cheese, Chuckwagon Corn, Breadstick

Alternative Lunch

Pizza Crunchers, Italian Mixed Vegetables