Monday Feb 17 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • Congratulations to Ms. Redpath for being staff of the week! Ms. Redpath is always there to support everyone and ensures her students know what to do in her class. She maintains high standards and encourages her students to meet them.

  • The Pride Club fundraiser is this week! We'll be selling during passing periods, as well as before and after school. We're located in the academic wing, on the first floor. Feel free to come check us out! We have cookies! Check the posters for more details.

  • Attention all boys interested in joining the River King Track and Field team: please attend either the 7:30am in the weightroom or after school at 3:45pm in Coach O'Connell's room on Thursday, February 20th for information on this upcoming season. Please see Ms. Thompson in the athletic director's office for a white card. If you have any questions, please see Coach Griswold, Coach O'Connell, or Coach K. Schneeberger. MW

  • Need a new book to love? Stop in the library for “Blind Date with a Book”.  The library has some books wrapped up. Pick one, check it out, and read it.  Love it? Hate it?  Rate your book for a chance to win a prize.

  • Join us in the library for “Read a Latte” Today Feb 17 right after school until 4:15.

  • Attention Girls Soccer players -- we will have a pre-season signup and informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25th, at 3:45 pm in room #309. Please bring your phone and plan on being there until 4:45. See Coach Feaster if you have any questions or will not be able to attend!! MW

  • The River Queen basketball team ended their regular season Thursday night unfortunately dropping both games against Assumption. The JV Queens fought valiantly in the second half but came up short again falling 33-30. Kassidy Eggers had 8 points, Samantha Powell 7, and Addy Cram 6.  Powell also contributed 7 boards and Eggers 5. They finish their season at 8-12.  The Varsity Queens played a physical game last night and came up short also 38-34 ending their regular season at 8-13.  Alli Haskell scored 15 points and Aubrey Fergurson and Phoebe Levine added 6 points each.  On a high note, we are proud of Aubrey Fergurson as she was able to grab 10 rebounds and secure her name in the record book for most rebounds in a season!  If you see her, congratulate her on her accomplishment!  The Queens host North Scott at home on Wednesday night.  Come cheer on the Queens as they enter the district play where winners advance on.

  • Congratulations River King Wrestlers on their 5th place finish at the District tournament in Bettendorf Saturday. Earning trips to the State Tournament were District Champs Danny Petters and Brady Jennings, 2nd place winner Brody Harrington and 3rd place winner Hayden Chandler. All of the Kings battled hard all day long. Also earning wins on the day were Nolan Eggers and  Camdynn Bray. Great job wrestlers!

  • On Friday night, the River Kings hosted Davenport Assumption in MAC Conference action in Yourd gym. The Freshmen Kings were bitten by the turnover bug, and couldn’t quite overtake the Knights, losing their game 42-53. The Sophomore squad was also in a tight game, ending up on the short end of a 44-49, 5-point loss. The Varsity Kings turned out in force, they came to play! The Kings were tied with Assumption at half-time, and built a 7-point lead in the third quarter. It was the best third quarter of the season for Clinton! Despite a season low 5 turnovers by Clinton, Assumption climbed back into it and won 67-57. Leading scorer for Clinton was Cole Shannon who had 19 points and 7 rebounds. Other top scorers were Mharlo Guy with 18 points and Jordan Coleman with 10 points. The Kings are back in action tomorrow night at home as they host MAC Conference foe Davenport North. The action begins at 4:30pm. Come out and support your River Kings as they wind up their regular season with home games on Tuesday and Thursday this week! GO KINGS!!!

Joke of the day

What’s the best part about Valentine’s Day? …The sale on chocolate the next day.

Activities for Today

Bowling: Girls Varsity State Qualifying Meet (A) vs. Multiple schools @ Kingpin Entertainment Center 10:00am

Lunch for Today 

Cheesy Chicken & Rice, Peas, Dinner Roll

Alternative Lunch

Buffalo Chicken Bites, Corn