Tuesday Feb 18 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Camanche Trap Team Orientation & Sign up is on 2/27/25 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Imperial Lanes, 1823 S Washington, Camanche, Iowa. This is for Girls & Boys in 5th - 12th grade (from any area schools). Practices will be held at Clinton County Sportsman Club in DeWitt on Thursdays @ 4:00 with competitions typically held on Saturdays in Dewitt or other Sportsman Clubs. Contact Brad Taylor @ (563) 221-1214 for more information.
Blood Drive coming up on Friday March 7th from 11:00 am until 2:30 pm. To book an appointment, scan the QR code on the TV slides or fliers, contact Mrs. DeVries, or visit bloodcenter.org https://login.bloodcenter.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/131645
The Pride Club fundraiser is this week! We'll be selling during passing periods, as well as before and after school. We're located in the academic wing, on the first floor. Feel free to come check us out! Check the posters for more details.
High School Color Guard Tryouts will be on three Wednesdays: February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 2-3:45 at CHS Yourd Gym. It is mandatory to attend all three. For questions or schedule conflicts contact Coach April april.mcfall@csdkq.org
After-School Tutoring is being offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library! There is no cost. We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend!
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Iowa High School Speech Association State Large Group Contest on Saturday, Feb 8th! Each piece earned an overall division 1 rating. The following students competed at the state level: Talen Sippel, Lilli Asay, Ollie Jensen, Cupid Bowman, Milo Nelson, Andrew Bacunawa, Rhys Bostic, Abi McMana, Damien Valdez, Leilani Calvillo, Aly Pulido, Lucas Clark, Alyssa Determan, Ivy Buelow, Haylee Dolash, and Jaedyn Lemon. Our Readers Theatre piece “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” received an All-State non-performing nomination. Readers theatre participants will be recognized at the All-State Festival in Ames this Saturday, Feb 22nd for this distinction. Great job CHS speech team!
Joke of the day
Why did the banana skip school? …It wasn’t peeling well.
Activities for Today
Basketball: Boys Freshman Game (H) vs. Davenport North @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 4:30pm
Boys Sophomore Game (H) vs. Davenport North @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 6:00pm
Boys Varsity Game (H) vs. Davenport North @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 7:30pm
Lunch for Today
Grilled Chicken, Bacon, & Provolone on a Bun, French Fries
Alternative Lunch
Sriracha Chicken, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables