Thursday Feb 20 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • There will be a girls golf meeting next Thursday Feb. 27th afterschool in Coach McEwen's room for those girls interested in being part of the golf team this spring.  We will discuss open gyms, fundraising, and the start of the season.  Stop by his room if you cannot make that day or time.

  • Attention all boys interested in joining the River King Track and Field team: If you missed today’s 7:30 am meeting please attend the one right after school today in Coach O'Connell's room for information on this upcoming season. If you have any questions, please see Coach Griswold, Coach O'Connell, or Coach K. Schneeberger.

  • High School Color Guard Tryouts will be on three Wednesdays: February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 2-3:45 at CHS Yourd Gym.  It is mandatory to attend all three. For questions or schedule conflicts contact Coach April

  • After-School Tutoring is being offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library!  There is no cost.  We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend! 

  • The River Queen Basketball team again put the clamps on the North Scott Lancers for the third time this season completing the sweep against them as they won their first round game in District play last night.  Scoring for the Queens were Alli Haskell with 21, Carryn Sattler and Lilly Hankins with 11, and Aubrey Fergurson with 6.  Fergurson continued to break records on the rebounding end picking up 20 boards and reaching 500 rebounds in her career.  Way to go Fergie!  Also on the rebounding end were Haskell with 8 and Sattler with 7.  Haskell added 5 assists and 3 steals.  The Queens would like to thank all the parents and students that came out to support them last night.  You were so loud up until the end and helped the Queens play with energy all night long.  The Queens move their record to 9-13 on the season and move on in district play as they will go to Maquoketa this Saturday for a chance to continue their season!

Activities for Today

Basketball: Boys Freshman Game (H) vs. Davenport Central  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 4:30pm

Boys Sophomore Game (H) vs. Davenport Central  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 6:00pm

Boys Varsity Game (H) vs. Davenport Central  @  CHS Yourd Gymnasium 7:30pm

Lunch for Today 

Beef & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Breadstick

Alternative Lunch

Chicken Alfredo, Green Beans, Garlic Toast