Friday Feb 21 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Reminder that today is the last day for the Pride Club fundraiser! We're selling during every passing period, as well as before and after school. We have delicious cupcakes and fresh, homemade cookies. Feel free to come support us!
If you borrow something from the library don’t forget to return it. Loaner computers, headphones, loaner chargers, or books. Items are checked out to you so if you don’t return them you will be charged. Reminder Loaner chargers are to be borrowed for ONE class period and then returned so others can borrow them. They also have late fees of $1 each day they are overdue.
There will be a girls golf meeting next Thursday Feb. 27th afterschool in Coach McEwen's room for those girls interested in being part of the golf team this spring. We will discuss open gyms, fundraising, and the start of the season. Stop by his room if you cannot make that day or time.
Attention Girls Soccer players -- We will have a pre-season signup and informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25th, at 3:45 pm in room #309. Please bring your phone and plan on being there until 4:45. See Coach Feaster if you have any questions or will not be able to attend!!
Juniors: Remember that you have until February 28th (next Friday) to register for classes for next year. If you do not meet with your counselor before that date your counselor will select your classes and you will not be able to make changes until May after the 8th graders have registered.
KINGS WIN!! KINGS WIN!! Last night, the River Kings showed that when they play four strong quarters of basketball they can run with the big dogs! The Kings strong effort resulted in a 62-53 win against a solid Davenport Central squad, avenging a loss from earlier in the season. The Kings were led by the lock-down defense of Cole Johnson early in the game, Cole Shannon's 16 points, 15 points from Marshall Johnson, 13 points from Jordan Coleman and 11 points by Mharlo Guy. What a GREAT team effort! Congratulations to the Seniors who were recognized before the game: Jordan Coleman, Tyller Daniels, Mharlo Guy, and Cole Johnson. Your hard work and contributions to this program are very much appreciated, you have set the tone for where this program is headed!! Thank you to the great fan support last night! It was a blast sharing the W with Clinton High students, family members and fans!! The Kings open post-season play on Monday in Decorah. Thanks again for a memorable season!! GO KINGS!!
Joke of the day
What’s really easy to get into, and hard to get out of? …Trouble.
Activities for Saturday
Basketball: Girls Varsity Region 3 Semi Final (A) @ Maquoketa 7:00pm
Lunch for Today
Spicy Chicken Tenders, Waffle Fries
Alternative Lunch
Taco, Refried Beans