Friday Feb 28 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • Congratulations and thanks to Paul Anderson, Drew Steiner, Dylan Totes, and Tayton Castle for presenting and attending the Clinton Education and Business Partnership Symposium.  Thanks for positively representing Clinton High School.

  • An admissions rep from Iowa State University will be visiting the counseling office on Thursday, March 27th at 9:00 am. Please let Mrs. Klinkhammer know if you are interested in attending.

  • Reminder that the parking lot on the East side of the Academic Wing is for staff only, not students. Students need to park in the North lot and enter through the closest door D 26 rather than walking to door B4, especially with the demo starting in front of the building. Again the East parking lot is for Staff only. Students who drive need to park legally in the North lot and enter the building through the Hall of Honor Door D 26.

  • Fundraiser for After Prom: Culver’s Night THIS Monday! March 3. We need 4 students to help with the 6:30-8:00 shift! Helpers will get Free entrance into After Prom. And enter a drawing for 2 chances of $50 cash.

  • The items in the “Lost and Found” have been spread out on tables on the main floor of the academic wing. Please walk by and see if anything belongs to you.  If small or electronic items were lost, check with the library ladies in the library.

  • Pride Club has created a commemorative plaque to celebrate unity and diversity at CHS! If you'd like to sign and show your support, please contact either Audrey Morris or Rin Ciner. All are welcome to sign it!

  • We have another great opportunity for Juniors!  March 11th is the CCC Junior Career Day/College Fair.  We will start at CCC with the college fair and then go to the National Guard Armory for the career exploration portion. If you are interested please stop by Mrs. Klinkhammer to sign up and grab a special absence form. You must be signed up by Friday March 7th. We will have an informational meeting that day and will work on creating a strive scan account for you to use at the college fair.

  • Seniors: The last day to complete your senior survey is tomorrow, March 1st! Add a senior quote or share a memory or accomplishment to be featured in the yearbook. See an email sent by Mrs Melvin or yesterday's Daily Announcement email for the form link. Also remember that senior photos are due March 15th. No late submissions will be accepted.

Joke of the day

What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo? …One is super heavy; the other is a little lighter.

Lunch for Today 

Chicken, Bacon & Ranch Casserole, Corn, Garlic Bread

Alternative Lunch

Pizza Pasta Bake, Corn, Garlic Bread