Monday March 3 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • Congratulations to Mr. Hollister for being staff of the week! Mr. Hollister goes above and beyond to ensure that all students are included in the classroom. He encourages students to advocate for their own grades and provides extra support to those who need it.

  • There will be no History Club this afternoon.

  • FBLA Students..... Please remember to bring your payment for our State Leadership Conference by Friday March 7th.

  • If you have one of the library's loaner chargers you need to return it ASAP.  You are incurring late fees.

  • We will offer the Pre ACT to sophomores on April 1st.  Cost is $19.  This is a great test to prepare for the ACT.  You receive your questions and answers back so you know what to study. Please bring money to Mrs. Klinkhammer by 4:00 on March 10th.

  • Fundraiser for After Prom: Culver’s Night Today! March 3. Your support of businesses that offer fundraisers is appreciated.

  • Need a new book to love? Stop in the library for “Blind Date with a Book”.  The library has some books wrapped up. Pick one, check it out, and read it.  Love it? Hate it?  Rate your book for a chance to win a prize.

Joke of the day

What’s a leprechaun’s favorite cereal? …Lucky Charms

Lunch for Today 

Ribette on a Bun, Baked Beans

Alternative Lunch

Mandarin Orange Chicken, Stir Fry Vegetables, Rice