Monday March 10 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Congratulations to Ms. Partin for being staff of the week! Ms. Partin greets every student with a smile as they go through the lunch line and is always a positive presence!
Senior photo deadline for the yearbook is Saturday, March 15th. No late submissions will be accepted.
There will be a yearbook meeting Wednesday and Thursday this week from 4 - 5 PM in S154. Email Mrs. Lemon-Levy if you have any questions.
Girls Soccer -- open field today, March 10th, here at CHS outside on Coan field, 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Also you must have received your white card from the activities office by Friday March 14th, before you will be able to practice!!
A Golden Ticket day has yet to happen this semester. Students need to have 80% or above in all their classes to attend. Let our Tues. & Thurs. “After School Tutoring" help you get/stay there.
Join us for “Read a Latte” in the CHS library on Thursday, March 13 from 7:40 am until homeroom.
We will offer the Pre ACT to sophomores on April 1st. Signup ends Today, March 10th at 4:00. The cost is $19 and you need to turn in the money when you sign up. Please sign up with Mrs. Klinkhammer. If you are interested in signing up but money is an issue please let either Mrs. Klinkhammer or your counselor know.
Congratulations to the River Royalty show choir on their 1st place in the Prep Division and 6th place overall at West Delaware’s Red Gala show choir competition. Leilani Calvillo also won an Outstanding Performer award. Good job to all the singers, band members and crew members on a great end to the season!
The River Queen Wrestling Team was awarded the IWCOA Academic All-State Award this weekend. This is a tremendous honor and we are so proud of the entire team setting a great example not only on the mat, but in the classroom as well. The River Queens were top ten in the state for team GPA. Great work ladies, we are so proud of you!
Joke of the day
What’s the name of a popular Irish dance move? …The shamrock shake
Lunch for Today
Spicy Chicken Patty on a Bun, Seasoned Loop Fries
Alternative Lunch
French Bread Pizza, Garlic Toast, Italian Blend Vegetables