Tuesday March 11 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Students are not allowed to park in the staff parking lot. There are not enough parking spots for staff as is. From now on if students park in the staff parking lot they will receive a ticket from the SRO. Make sure if you are a student who drives to school you are parking LEGALLY in the student parking lot or you will get a ticket.
AP Posters are in! Find Mrs. Leafgreen or email her when you are ready to grab yours.
Let's see your River King spirit! Football cheer applications are now available at Mrs. Kooi's desk! You must bring a completed app to cheer clinics on March 31 and/or April 1st with tryouts on April 2 in Yourd gym at CHS! Hope to see you there!
There will be a yearbook meeting Wednesday and Thursday this week from 4 - 5 PM in S154. Email Mrs. Lemon-Levy if you have any questions.
Girls Soccer -- you must get your white card from the activities office by this Friday March 14th, before you will be able to practice!!
If you are interested in trying girls golf this spring, please see Coach McEwen in Room 253 to get any information before the season starts. First day of practice is Monday, March 24th after Spring break. Open gym hitting is happening on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm in the Wellness Gym.
An admissions rep from Kirkwood Community College will be visiting the counseling office on Wednesday, March 12th at 9:30 am. Please let Mrs. Klinkhammer know if you are interested in attending.
Stop in the library for “Blind Date with a Book”. The library has some books wrapped up. Pick one, check it out, and read it. Love it? Hate it? Rate your book for a chance to win a prize. So far we only have one entry.
After-School Tutoring is being offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library! There is no cost. We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend!
Join us for “Read a Latte” in the CHS library on Thursday, March 13 from 7:40 am until homeroom. We will be “Unboxing” the new titles we got from the “Mathical Grant”.
Joke of the day
What did the Irish potato say to his sweetheart? …I only have eyes for you
Lunch for Today
Chicken & Rice, Green Beans, Dinner Roll
Alternative Lunch
Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables