Student Expectations for Football Games

Dear Royal Army,
As the new football season is upon us, we would like to remind students and parents about the expectations for students who attend home football games.
Elementary School Students
Elementary students must have an adult with them to enter the game. No adult=No admittance to the game
Students are not allowed to bring in bags or backpacks into the stadium
Elementary students are expected to be in the stands with an adult watching the game
Middle School Students
Middle school students need their school ID’s to enter the game. No ID=No admittance to the game
Students are not allowed to bring in bags or backpacks into the stadium
Middle school students must sit within the “Middle School” section, unless they are sitting with their parents
Middle school students are expected to be in the stands watching the game
High School Students
High school students are encouraged to sit/stand in the high school student section
Students are not allowed to bring in bags or backpacks into the stadium (this includes away games as well)
High school students are expected to be in the stands watching the game
All Students
No abusive or unruly behavior
No throwing of objects or any projectile onto the field or in the stands
No use of any prohibited items (artificial noisemakers, unauthorized signs, etc.…)
We appreciate your help with the implementation of these expectations and rules to ensure student safety while giving our fans the opportunity to completely enjoy the game. Thank you for supporting the River King football team as they take the field against their opponents.
Kevin Behr, Activities Director