Order your yearbook today!
about 1 month ago, Whittier Elementary School
Father Daughter Dance November 24th!
4 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at your school on 11/12/2024 to photograph your Fall Retake pictures. This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school. https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/whittier-elementary-school-1/fall-retake-pictures-11-12-2024-52/optIn
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Band rehearsals start this week!
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Still need to order pictures? Scan the QR code and follow the directions to access your child's picture ordering gallery. https://www.strawbridge.net/code-lookup/
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
One more week to bring in your change!
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Trick or Treat event
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Today is Applebee's day for Whittier PTA! If you are looking for somewhere to grab lunch or dinner we'd appreciate your support! All you have to do is mention this fundraiser or show this flyer to your server. Applebee's will contribute 25% of your order.
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Change Drive starts Monday! Bring in any extra change you have to help us raise money for a shade canopy for our playground!
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Change Drive
Walk with a Cop tomorrow!
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Tonight is Orchestra Beginner Night for 4th graders at 7:00 PM at CMS. Enter through door A-22.
5 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Band Instrument Rental Night When: September 19, 2024, 5:30-7:30pm Where: Clinton Middle School LRC This is an OPEN HOUSE. Families may come and go as they please.
6 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
School Picture day is coming October 1! The link below will allow you to sign up to receive updates via email regarding school portraits. https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/whittier-elementary-school-1/fall-pictures-10-1-2024-38/optIn
6 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Registration is now open for all 3rd-6th grade girls interested in playing Little Queens Basketball for our feeder program! Register now at the following link: https://forms.gle/uZATeNb4dRLPSWby8
6 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Little Queens Basketball
Join us at Back to School Fun Night!
6 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
Back to School
We are excited to see everyone for the first day of school tomorrow!
7 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
We hope everyone had a safe and fun Fourth of July, and we are excited to see you all next month on August 26th!
8 months ago, Whittier Elementary School
#CCSDGoldKey Lindsey Burgland and Jonelle Kettler Jonelle's award was accepted by Peter Gluck, Whittier principal of 25 years. He hired Jonelle in 1993. Congratulations to the two Whittier secretaries that keep everything running smoothly day in and day out! As Brian Kenney shared, they are not only great multi-taskers, but show kindness and compassion to all students daily. Thank you for your dedication, Lindsey and Jonelle!
12 months ago, Clinton Community School District
Gold Key - Lindsey Burgland and Jonelle Kettler
Gold Key Whittier ladies
Whittier started a new tradition this year by playing the CHS Loyalty Song every Friday! Kids love it!
over 2 years ago, Whittier Elementary School
Whittier would like to let everyone know that our long-time Crossing Guard and friend, Clyde "Buddy" Ferguson passed away. Buddy was loved by all students, families, and staff, and he will be missed dearly and remembered with love. Rest in Peace Buddy!
over 3 years ago, Whittier Elementary School