Monday Feb 10 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Congratulations to Mr. Lamb for being staff of the week! Mr. Lamb has been the driving force in getting the construction and welding rooms.
Upcoming college and career visits -Save the Date! March 11th- Junior Career Day at Clinton Community College. April 2nd - University of Dubuque, Loras University, Clarke University. April 8th - Build My Future/Heal My Future at the QC Expo. April 9th Clinton Community College Fall Registration Day (Seniors only). Juniors and Seniors who are interested in these events, MUST schedule an appointment to meet with Ms. Marla Schultz prior. She is located in room A227 or you can email marla.schultz@csdkq.org
Join us in the library for “Read a Latte” Tomorrow Feb 11 from 7:40 am until homeroom or Monday Feb 17 right after school until 4:15.
Senior photo deadline for the yearbook has been extended to March 15th. No late submissions will be accepted.
An admissions rep from Grand Canyon University will be visiting the counseling office Tomorrow, February 11 at 9:30. Please let Mrs. Klinkhammer know if you would be interested in attending.
A few of you haven't given your money to Mrs. Leafgreen yet for the AP poster. Please do that as soon as possible. Thank you.
Open gym for CHS girls soccer is only Wednesday this week.
The Pride Club is holding a fundraiser next week! If you're interested in helping, attend the meeting after school in Mrs. Ciner's room today! We need all the help we can get, so anyone willing to pitch in is appreciated!
iJAG will be having their annual crush for your crush sale at lunch this week. Buy a can of Crush soda for a dollar, write a personal note, and iJAG will deliver them during the day on Friday to your special someone.
High School Color Guard Tryouts will be on three Wednesdays: February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 2-3:45 at CHS Yourd Gym. It is mandatory to attend all three. For questions or schedule conflicts contact Coach April april.mcfall@csdkq.org
Attention Girls Soccer players -- we will have a pre-season signup and informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25th, at 3:45 pm in room #309. Please bring your phone and plan on being there until 4:45. See Coach Feaster if you have any questions or will not be able to attend!!
Calling all Girls interested in River Queen Track and Field there will be a signup on February 11th at 3:30 in the Yourd Lobby. Please make sure you stop in and see Coach Steen to sign up and be a part of the fun season the staff has planned for you.
On Saturday, the River King and River Queen Varsity Bowling Teams attended the Muscatine Invitational. Both teams took 2nd place at the invitational. The River Kings had a score of 3201 and the River Queens had a score of 2831. Great job Kings and Queens. Good luck Kings and Queens at the MAC Conference Tournament this Thursday.
River Queen Basketball picked up two wins on Friday beating the Davenport West Falcons. After starting slowly, the JV Queens ramped up their defense and came back to win 42-33. Shayna Nettles led the way with 17 points while Phoebe Levine added 8. Samantha Powell added 13 rebounds. Levine also added 5 assists and Nettles had 4 steals. In the varsity contest, Carryn Sattler scored a season high 29 points as the Queens soundly defeated the Falcons 57-41 avenging a tough loss earlier in the season. Aubrey Fergurson added 12 points along with 20 rebounds. Lilly Hankins led with 3 assists and Alli Haskell had 4 steals and Mady MacAvoy three. The Queens move to 7-12 on the season and host Muscatine tomorrow night at home where the Queens will honor their teammate and German exchange student Anna Moser in their last home game of the regular season.
On Friday night, the River Kings hosted the Falcons from Davenport West high school in another MAC Conference matchup. The Freshmen Kings were upended by West, losing their game 41-65. The Sophomores were behind most of the evening and were defeated 62-93. The Varsity Kings battled hard the entire game and were in it until the very end, losing to West 63-69. The Kings are back in action this Thursday as they travel to Makquoketa to take on the Cardinals. Sophomore tip off is scheduled for 6:00pm. GO KINGS!!
Joke of the day
What did the cat say to her crush on Valentine’s Day? …“You’re purrfect for me.”
Lunch for Today
Ribette on a Bun, Seasoned Loop Fries
Alternative Lunch
Lasagna Roll-Up, Mixed Vegetables, Garlic Toast