Friday Feb 14 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
If you ordered a Crush-gram, please get your money to Tiffany Harris or Alisha Lemon-Levy in Room S154 as soon as possible. If you ordered and have not paid, they will not be delivered.
The Pride Club fundraiser is next week! We'll be selling during passing periods, as well as before and after school. We're located in the academic wing, on the first floor. Feel free to come check us out! We have cookies! Check the posters for more details.
Attention all boys interested in joining the River King Track and Field team: please attend either the 7:30am in the weightroom or after school at 3:45pm in Coach O'Connell's room on Thursday, February 20th for information on this upcoming season. Please see Ms. Thompson in the athletic director's office for a white card. If you have any questions, please see Coach Griswold, Coach O'Connell, or Coach K. Schneeberger.
Attending all juniors who purchased a class shirt! Your shirts are in! Go to Mrs. Warren's room (room 204) to pick yours up!
Need a new book to love? Stop in the library for “Blind Date with a Book”. The library has some books wrapped up. Pick one, check it out, and read it. Love it? Hate it? Rate your book for a chance to win a prize.
Join us in the library for “Read a Latte” Monday Feb 17 right after school until 4:15.
High School Color Guard Tryouts will be on three Wednesdays: February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 2-3:45 at CHS Yourd Gym. It is mandatory to attend all three. For questions or schedule conflicts contact Coach April april.mcfall@csdkq.org
Attention Girls Soccer players -- we will have a pre-season signup and informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25th, at 3:45 pm in room #309. Please bring your phone and plan on being there until 4:45. See Coach Feaster if you have any questions or will not be able to attend!!
Yesterday, the River King and River Queen Varsity Bowling Teams attended the MAC Conference Tournament. The River Kings were in second place prior to entering the bracket play and fought their way through brackets and were able to defend their MAC Conference Championship from last year and took 1st Place. The River Queens were in first place before entering bracket but lost a close match to North Scott in the first round. They fought hard in the consolation bracket and won and came home with a 3rd Place finish. Great job Kings and Queens. The girls will attend their State Qualifying meet in Decorah on Monday and the Boys will attend their State Qualifying meet in Keokuk on Tuesday. Good luck to both teams at their meets!
Last night, the River Kings traveled to Maquoketa to take on the Cardinals in a non-conference battle. The Sophomores started the night off with a solid win, their third of the season, defeating Maquoketa 66-33. The Sophomore squad was led by Blayn Robinson who scored 17 points. Helping the effort were Jordan Gruhn and Kayden Brannum who both poured in 14 points each. The Varsity Kings were in a battle from the opening tipoff--It was a close game for all four quarters! The Kings pulled to within 5 points late in the 4th quarter but could not overcome the Cardinal's lead and lost the game 61-68. Leading the charge for the Kings were Jordan Coleman who scored a team high 22 points and added 10 rebounds, Marshall Johnson with 15 points, and Cole Johnson with 12 points. The Kings are back in action tonight at home with a MAC matchup against Davenport Assumption in Yourd Gym. The Freshmen get things started with a 4:30pm tipoff. Come out and start your weekend right by cheering on the KINGS! GO KINGS!!!
Joke of the day
What did one bird say to the other on Valentine’s Day? …“Let me call you tweetheart!”
Activities for Today
Basketball: Boys Freshman Game (H) vs. Davenport Assumption @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 4:30pm
Boys Sophomore Game (H) vs. Davenport Assumption @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 6:00pm
Boys Varsity Game (H) vs. Davenport Assumption @ CHS Yourd Gymnasium 7:30pm
Activities for Saturday
Wrestling: Varsity District (A) vs. Multiple Schools @ Bettendorf High School Large Gym 10:00am
Lunch for Today
Heart Shaped Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Biscuit
Alternative Lunch
Teriyaki Chicken, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables