Tuesday March 4 2025
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
CHS International Club will meet today after school in Mrs. Krueger's classroom A 317. We will start planning our trip to Chicago, so please bring your ideas.
Upcoming College Visits: University of Dubuque, Loras College and Clarke University on April 2nd. - To sign up to attend, e-mail Marla Schultz CCTC or stop by her office A227.
Build My Future at the Quad Cities Expo Center is Tuesday April 8th. A hands on Construction and Medical Career Day. To sign up to attend, e-mail Marla Schultz CCTC or stop by her office A227. - Space is limited.
Seniors, do you still need help completing the FAFSA? (Free application for federal student aid) E-mail Marla Schultz, College and Career Transition Counselor for your dedicated appointment time.
FBLA Students..... Please remember to bring your payment for our State Leadership Conference by Friday March 7th.
Great opportunity for Juniors! March 11th is the CCC Junior Career Day/College Fair. We will start at CCC with the college fair and then go to the National Guard Armory for the career exploration portion. If you are interested please stop by Mrs. Klinkhammer to sign up and grab a special absence form. You must be signed up by Friday March 7th. We will have an informational meeting that day and will work on creating a strive scan account for you to use at the college fair.
After-School Tutoring is being offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 - 4:45 in the New Library! There is no cost. We have staff in most of the core classes available! Please ask a CHS teacher or administrator if you would like to attend!
We will offer the Pre ACT to sophomores on April 1st. The PreACT signup ends next Monday, March 10th at 4:00. The cost is $19 and you need to turn in the money when you sign up. Please sign up with Mrs. Klinkhammer. If you are interested in signing up but money is an issue please let either Mrs. Klinkhammer or your counselor know.
A Blood Drive is coming up on Friday March 7th from 11:00 am until 2:30 pm. If you are 17+, you are good to donate! If you are 16 you will need a 16 year old consent form and can pick one up at Ms. Melvin or Mrs. Lorenzen's desk and bring it signed by your parents to the drive. To book an appointment, scan the QR code on the TV slides or fliers, contact Mrs. DeVries, or visit bloodcenter.org https://login.bloodcenter.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/131645
Joke of the day
What do you call a fake Irish diamond? …A shamrock
Lunch for Today
Sausage & Cheese on English Muffin, Tri-Taters
Alternative Lunch
Fiestada Pizza, Chuckwagon Corn