Friday March 7 2025

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  • An admissions rep from Kirkwood Community College will be visiting the counseling office on Wednesday, March 12th at 9:30 am. Please let Mrs. Klinkhammer know if you are interested in attending.

  • There is no food allowed on the upper floor of the library. You can not eat your lunch in any part of the library.  If you are on the upper floor of the library you need to be sitting in one of the chairs.  If the chairs are full you need to be on the main floor.

  • If you are interested in trying girls golf this spring, please see Coach McEwen in Room 253 to get any information before the season starts.  First day of practice is Monday, March 24th after Spring break.  Open gym hitting is happening on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm in the Wellness Gym.

  • Girls Soccer -- open field this coming Monday, March 10th, here at CHS outside on Coan field, 5:30pm to 7:00pm.

  • Also girls soccer -- you must have received your white card from the activities office by Friday of next week, that's March 14th, before you will be able to practice!!

  • No Concessions stand again at lunch today.

  • Let's see your River King spirit! Football cheer applications are now available at Mrs. Kooi's desk! You must bring a completed app to cheer clinics on March 31 and/or April 1st with tryouts on April 2 in Yourd gym at CHS! Hope to see you there! FTH

  • March 11th is the CCC Junior Career Day/College Fair.  We will start at CCC with the college fair and then go to the National Guard Armory for the career exploration portion. If you are interested you must sign up Today. Please stop by Mrs. Klinkhammer to sign up and grab a special absence form.  

  • Join us for “Read a Latte” in the CHS library on Thursday, March 13 from 7:40 am until homeroom.

  • FBLA Students..... payment for our State Leadership Conference is due Today March 7th.

  • We will offer the Pre ACT to sophomores on April 1st.  The PreACT signup ends Monday, March 10th at 4:00.  The cost is $19 and you need to turn in the money when you sign up.  Please sign up with Mrs. Klinkhammer.  If you are interested in signing up but money is an issue please let either Mrs. Klinkhammer or your counselor know.

Joke of the day

Where does a vampire get his license? …a blood drive.

Activities for Today

Sadd Blood Drive 11:00 to 2:30

Lunch for Today 

Macaroni & Cheese, Corn, Dinner Roll

Alternative Lunch

Mozzarella Sticks w/ Marinara Sauce, Italian Blend Vegetables