New CHS Theatre

Dear Prospective Performing Arts Center Donor,

On March 3, 2020, the voters of the Clinton Community School District passed a bond referendum with 74.7% support.  Two weeks later, the country entered a pandemic that greatly changed the world’s economy.  After a year of architectural designs being developed and public bids sought out, in May 2021, the Clinton School Board approved moving forward with the construction of a new Clinton High School with a plan to cover the increase in construction costs due to the pandemic.  One of the major strategies was to “value engineer” every aspect of the project to lower the cost, but not deviate from the core values of a high school that will serve the future generations of Clinton students. 

When looking at the proposal to “value engineer” the new Performing Arts Center, the thought was those decisions would be compromised.  The “value engineering” recommendations for the new CHS Performing Arts Center are listed below:

         $471,725 Orchestra Pit             

o   $380,750 Structure/walls

o   $58,000 Pit Cover

o   $32,975 Platform lift (ADA compliance)

        $608,800 Full Height Fly                                                                       

o   $120,000 Structure/walls

o   $67,350 Fly grid

o   $51,960 Stair Access

o   $83,200 Fire Curtain

o   $187,500 Full Height Rigging

o   $98,800 Line set power assist

         $30,000 Enhanced Theater Lighting                                      

         $46,300 4th Orchestra Shell                                                             

$106,200 Orchestra Shell Tower

         $61,000 Auditorium Video System                                                      

Total Performing Arts Center:   $1,324,025                                                     

A goal was set for a capital campaign of $750,000.  A Clinton Community Development Association grant was in the amount of $450,000 was awarded towards this project in the fall of 2023.  This leaves the goal of $300,000 for this capital campaign. 

The River King and Queen Band Boosters have volunteered to drive this campaign.  Different donation levels to be paid over a three year window have been established so multiple businesses, organizations, and individuals can support a state of the art performing arts facility in the City of Clinton.  A donaor wall that will be installed outside of the theatre will recognize donation levels for the next 100 years.

If you are willing to support the future home of CHS fine arts and want more information, please email Gary DeLacy at

Final Donor Wall

Performing Arts Donor Pledge Sheet